George Gessler
George Gessler - Ihr Besuch im Atelierhaus
Impressionen aus dem Atelierhaus von George Gessler

"Association GeGe-Freunde" (Verein GeGe-Freunde) for the conservation of GeGe's lifetime achievements

Dear friends of GeGe,

Without the participation and the personal and financial commitment of a few, our cultural landscape would be poorer and many great artists would have been denied their breakthrough!

Following GeGe's death, I have opened up the studio house to the public and offered tours every other weekend. The visitors have been fascinated by the abundance and variety of impressions and time and again I have heard enthusiastic exclamations like:

"This studio is a work of art.
You won’t see this everywhere. It must be preserved!”

These visitors speak straight from my heart! But how to realise this idea?

That’s why we have founded the “Association GeGe-Freunde” (Verein GeGe-Freunde).
Its aims are to release energy and the financial means to open up GeGe’s impressive lifetime achievements as well as the studio house to a wider audience.

I hope for a big number of members and invite you to join the association.

In order to join the association, please fill in the form below.

I hope that this idea will be well received.

With kind regards
Katharina Gessler

If you already have an account you can login here.

Membership registration form "Verein GeGe-Freunde"
  For the conservation of GeGe's lifetime achievements.
  Yes, I would like to join

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